Consider a bowl with \(n\) items of which \(m\) are red. We randomly pick \(r\) items from this bowl without replacement, i.e., we don’t return to the bowl the items that we’ve picked. What is the probability that \(k\) of the items we picked are red?

To solve this problem, we first calculate the size of our sample space. This is simply the number of ways to pick \(r\) items from \(n\) items and it is


Next, we pick \(k\) items from the \(m\) red ones. The number of ways to do this is \(\binom{m}{k}\). Once we have the red items, we pick the remaining \((r-k)\) items from the \((n-m)\) non-red items. There are \(\binom{n-m}{r-k}\) ways to do this. We multiply these two to get the number of ways to get \(k\) red items out of the \(r\) items we picked. Therefore, the probability of getting \(k\) red items, if we picked \(r\) items, is
