Conditioning on an Event

Conditional PMF and Expectation

We consider conditioning on an event \(A\). Assuming that the probability that event \(A\) occurs is positive, i.e., \(\mathbf{P}(A)>0\), the conditional PMF of a random variable \(X\) given that \(A\) occurred is

\[p_{X\lvert A}(x)=\mathbf{P}(X=x\lvert A).\]

Like ordinary probabilities, it is normalized, i.e.,

\[\sum_{x}p_{X\lvert A}(x)=1.\]

The conditional expectation of \(X\) is then

\[\mathbb{E}[X\lvert A]=\sum_{x}xp_{X\lvert A}(x).\]

Given a function of \(X\), \(g(X)\), its conditional expectation is

\[\mathbb{E}[g(X)\lvert A]=\sum_{x}g(x)p_{X\lvert A}(x).\]

Total Expectation Theorem

If we divide the sample space into \(n\) disjoint events \(A_1,\ldots,A_n,\) then the expectation of \(X\) is

\[\mathbb{E}[X]=\mathbf{P}(A_1)\mathbb{E}[X\lvert A_1]+\ldots+\mathbf{P}(A_n)\mathbb{E}[X\lvert A_n].\]

Conditioning on another Random Variable

We can also condition a random variable on another random variable. The conditional PMF of \(X\) given that \(Y=y\) is defined by

\[p_{X\lvert Y}(x\lvert y)=\dfrac{p_{X,Y}(x,y)}{p_Y(y)},\]

assuming that \(p_Y(y)>0\). We can also condition on two random variables with the conditional PMF being

\[p_{X\lvert Y,Z}(x\lvert y,z)=\dfrac{p_{X,Y,Z}(x,y,z)}{p_{Y,Z}(y,z)}.\]

Conditional Expectation

The conditional expectation of a random variable \(X\) conditioned on \(Y=y\) is

\[\mathbb{E}[X\lvert Y=y]=\sum_{x}xp_{X\lvert Y}(x\lvert y).\]

Moreover, for any function \(g(X)\),

\[\mathbb{E}[g(X)\lvert Y=y]=\sum_{x}g(x)p_{X\lvert Y}(x\lvert y).\]


There are several statements we can make when two random variables, \(X\) and \(Y\), are independent. First,


Moreover, \(g(X)\) and \(h(Y)\) are also independent, and


Finally, the variance of their sum is
