Suppose we toss a coin \(n\) times with the probability of getting a head \(\mathbf{P}(\text{H})=p\) and, hence, the probability of getting a tail \(\mathbf{P}(\text{T})=1-p\). We assume that the tosses are independent, i.e., the outcome of previous tosses does not affect subsequent tosses. What is the probability of getting \(k\) heads?

Before we proceed, we consider the specific case \(n=6\) and compute the probability of getting the sequence \(\text{HTHHTH}\). We use the multiplication principle to get

\[\mathbf{P}(\text{HTHHTH})=p\cdot(1-p)\cdot p\cdot p\cdot(1-p)\cdot p=p^4(1-p)^2.\]

To compute for the probability of getting any sequence with \(4\) heads, we have to multiply the above expression with the number of \(4\)-head sequences. This is just the same as number of \(4\)-element subsets taken from a set with \(6\) elements, i.e., \(\binom{6}{4}\). Therefore, the probability of getting \(4\) heads in \(6\) coin tosses is


Generalizing this result, the probability of getting \(k\) heads in \(n\) coin tosses is
